BIOTEKT is a unique combination of old and new technologies and sustainable construction methods: Earth berm construction, green roofs and walls, passive solar design, and prefabricated composite shells. In this beautiful synthesis we solve the problems usually associated with earth construction like high labor costs and intensive craftsmanship, as well as the problems with prefabricated housing, which are generally less permanent, lightweight structures. BIOTEKT systems are divided in two distinct products, ECOSPHERE™ AND OASIS™; both of them are based on a super-strong, insulated, composite shell formed by various shapes that can be combined to form an enormous variety of floor plans, with domed and vaulted roofs and straight walls. In the ECOSPHERE™ the shell is then covered with earth and plants to form a massive structure, and in OASIS™ it is covered with stabilized sand and a mixture of local materials. The shell is formed of lightweight components that can be quickly put together by a crew of three men with hand tools, and includes ducts for wiring and plumbing where necessary; it can be built over a simple concrete slab or over a basement.
The latest leading edge technology for earth contact structures is a modular construction system, manufactured with composites, designed to be covered with earth and vegetation. We offer living spaces that are:
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